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Discover The New Decentralized Internet at ThreeFold With Co-Founder Weynand Kuijpers

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By: cryptotravelsmichael

Discover The New Decentralized Internet at Threefold With Co-Founder Weynand Kuijpers


people, blockchain, crypto, run, create, threefold, built, internet, application, capacity, decentralized, utility, data, smart contract, cloud, tokens, electricity, terraform, execute, grid


Today’s episode is with the co-founder of a project in crypto which is creating the decentralized internet, the people’s internet. Today’s guest went from being a rocket scientist to co-founding threefold Don’t miss this interview with Weynand Kuijpers. Stay tuned.


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Let me ask you, Are you new to crypto and don’t know where to start? Are you more experienced but have questions? Then you’re in the right place. This podcast is designed for you coming at you from the training center in the lifestyle design studio. Here’s your host Crypto Travels Michael.


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Hey, I have an exciting episode today. And I have an amazing guest I’m really interested to share with you. I have Weynand from Threefold. I’d like to welcome you to the podcast How you doing today. Thanks for joining us. I’m very well thank you for having me. It’s been a fantastic day to day. And I hope we can get a lot of information in this podcast. And I’m really excited to give you all the lay down over three full days. Awesome. Awesome. I’m excited to have you here. i You’re currently in Dubai. Yes, I am. And believe it or not, it’s been raining for two weeks. This is very exceptional, never seen before in the last decades. And since New Year, we’ve had a lot of rain, which causes a lot of mess, to be honest, because they’re not prepared for it at all. Okay, well, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and about Threefold. Because I understand, you know, I know that you’re one of the cofounders of Threefold, but I want to share with our listeners and our audience as well, we can kind of unpack and paint a picture for them today. Sure.


My name is Weynand Kuijpers, made in Holland quite a while ago. Being in tech for most of my life, did an engineering degree in space technology not really have done a lot with it. Because back in the day, when I just kind of got out of college, it wasn’t a very fast moving industry, I would love to come out of college right now with that same degree. And with SpaceX doing what they’re doing, I think they’re doing fantastic again, for me not really feasible right now, but the thing is, I got into the early days of the internet and how the Internet was really pushed forward and out of let’s say the research institutions that it was invented in. And I really enjoyed that. That was something that I could see made a big change to people’s lives. And again, in the beginning, it was researchers and institutions that were sharing data amongst each other. And nowadays, if we look at what the internet is, it’s a very different beast. It’s all about commerce. And it’s all about us being able to connect to each other like we do right now, again, we’re half a global way. And we’re still talking in a digital way. And we’re still recording and creating this podcast, which is fantastic. But that’s me, I’ve literally ran around data centers with screwdrivers and tried to fix things for large organizations and small organizations, right now at three fold, as you said, which is a movement of people that that try to sort of take the Internet back to that origin because right now it’s a very, very centralized way of delivering digital services. They have built models around looking at us and collecting data of arrows. And again, that was never what the internet was about.


And we had Threefold try to build another foundation on which an Internet can be built that is, again, decentralized and by people for people, as we have seen in the crypto world that value exchanges are now being decentralized and no longer require a central component of the bank. So we’re doing it on a technology level. We’re doing it on a level that you actually can run applications in a decentralized way and I’m sure we’ll get into a bit more detail later on but it’s very much more than it played in a pure crypto play and a pure blockchain play. Those things are definitely a part of it. But we are trying to get back to that original state that I was lucky enough to see and to experience where it is content being created by people shared to other people. And really no third parties were involved in the beginning. Okay. Yeah, well, you’re just taking me back down memory lane. I remember the first 386 DAS computer that we had when I was growing up. I remember the AOL dial up days having grown up in the United States, we have those disks, we got every blockbuster, no. Remember the crazy colors that those first pages were all about?


Some reason? 30 minutes to load back in the day with the pixel cow.


Exactly. Yeah. So Threefold, you guys have a phrase that you’re on the people’s internet? So what is the people’s internet? And, you know, how does a decentralized internet differ from the regular internet that everybody knows today? Well, thank you for the question. I mean, it’s a very good question. And, again, it’s all about that today, we go to places to share information and to see what other people are sharing with us. And that third party in the middle. And again, I’m not here to just say that whatever is there today is not right, because it’s not true. I mean, I greatly benefited from all the innovation that has happened. And I greatly benefit from all of the innovation that Google has done in terms of search and making the internet accessible. Because in the beginning, like you said, you had to know either the address, if you knew the URL, which was not necessarily very well known back then you couldn’t find the information and information was just not exposed in a way that that many people could consume it. And we’ve gone a long way to make it accessible for everybody to be consuming it. But also with that, it came to a degree that there’s now a handful of organizations that really control it. In the end, there’s a handful of organizations that have the power of storing content over the internet, and everybody that has content that they want to share, or an application that they want to make available. It’s one or two or three companies that people go to, and that is just not in the original spirit of the internet, because it was meant, and like I said earlier in the introduction, researches, that’s how it came about shared papers and results of what they research with other researchers on the other end of the planet. And it was done in a way that was very easy. But there were no parties in the middle. And what we’re doing is giving the power of creating that, again, it’s going to be a little bit technical. I’m sorry, I’m a nerd. So if so then please stop me or pull me up again. But you need to have this data processing and data storage capability that those large cloud providers give you today. And that we rely on to be there almost like electricity, like a utility that you just plug in wherever you want to present it to process as an application. And then it works, no real knowledge needed, which is fantastic and super easy. And people use it. And it’s done a great deal for businesses and individuals. But again, it’s processed at a third party, it’s processed somewhere where it’s not yours anymore. And what we’re trying to do is to give the power of creating data processing and data storage capabilities to everyone by means of your own piece of hardware, you get yourself any computer. And again, today, anything with an Intel or AMD CPU works, we’re getting to cheaper and lower grades, computers, like raspberry pi, and so on. We’re doing all of that, but we’re not there yet today. But we are giving the capability to create that cloud production capability that we now know from the Microsoft’s the Googles, and the Amazons to everybody by making it so simple, that it’s all possible for people that don’t have any idea skills that don’t have any skills in terms of being an administrator doing all of the difficult things that they do in those data centers, and having those people present. And I always like to use the analogy of a solar panel, right, more and more and more recreating electricity decentralized as well. We still love the centralized production of electricity and coal or nuclear plants. I mean, whatever your country is that you’re listening in, I mean, you’ve got to have one of those too.


But more and more, we’re going to put solar panels on our roof and we’re going to consume what we produce. And we’re going to give back to the grid, but we don’t use it and we have Threefold one to build and have built. I should rephrase that you have built a model where you can get involved if you have ownership of something that produces a computer or a server or a laptop that produces data processing and data storage capabilities, you can connect it to something similar to the electricity network to a grid of networking. And you can start creating cloud capacity and share it out to the world. It’s a few bits and bobs around it that are specific. We don’t believe in sharing capacity. So it’s not an application that you’re installing a Mac on your Windows laptop, and you share a part of your computer out No, no, it has to be dedicated, because that’s the only way that we can guarantee certain securities and certain access or non access to data was once there is in the West, that is not ours, then obviously, we don’t know what’s happening with it. So that’s the model, we allow people to produce actual internet capacity, cloud capacity. And then on the flip side of that, the consumption of it is almost like Airbnb, you own your house, you rent your house, you rent a room out. In this case, you rent your hardware out, other people can consume it, it can actually launch and obligations store data. And it’s a community play. It’s about localization of it, because that’s, again, I’ve been talking for very long, so maybe the editors want to cut this out. But today, we rely on a very small number of data centers that exist out there. And the number of data centers that the whole internet is sort of geared around is less than 1000, believe it or not, and they all exist in the US, Europe and Asia pack. Right. That’s why they exist. The rest of the world is connected by long cables, the network, let’s just not right, because if we think of the same model to be used with electricity,


I mean, I would not have my electricity provider said 6000 kilometers away, because that’s just not very efficient. Yes, the internet today is fueled by the fact that the internet today has the generators of the content, and that servers have the content 6000 kilometers away from where you are, which is the right way. So we need to localize it, we need to be starting to produce that capacity inside our homes inside our schools inside our city halls inside everywhere. Decentralization, and then consume it locally, like like, really with many things. Also privacy for data as well. You know, that’s another, you know, important thing too many people. Yeah, definitely. I mean, right now, we’ve got our data sitting in data centers where there’s very smart administrators running around, but they have access, right, they also make it work, which is a good part, but you also have access. And yes, you can equip the thing, yes, you can do lots of things with it. But they do have access. And I think the right way of going back to it is that you have your own sovereign. And there’s a lot of cryptography involved. And there’s a lot of things involved in terms of making it’s a but once you get out of and that’s the real innovation, or one of the real innovations that we bring, once you no longer need those administrators, because think about it, if and when you allow people to create like a solar panel, compute and storage capabilities in their homes, you can’t rely on them managing that particular box.


So we’ve gone to the 9th degree to make that box autonomous and self manage. And I can talk for hours about how we did that and how that technology is actually built. But in the end, it’s a box within us that exposes everything that’s inside CPU, memory, whatever it has these peripherals, and there’s going to be large boxes and small boxes. And there’s going to be a lot of boxes together and a lot of boxes in a distributed way. But it just exposes that and stitches it together as a fabric of capacity that is needed. It’s almost like an exploded view of the data center, but then across a city or across a country or across a continent. And not having to maintain and manage that and keeping the actual people out of that box, not having any usernames and passwords, for example, not having a differentiation between system administrators have all the access in the world and just users that can only consume applications or capacity. All of that we eradicated and we built a system that actually has the US sitting there and doing what it needs to do. And then if and when it leads to something new. That instruction comes from a blockchain. There’s a blockchain which actually has a smart contract on it. And if when that smart contract executes, it might have an element inside that smart contract that says, I know start a VM, start an application, stop an application, whatever needs to be done on a system administration level is executed through a smart contract on a blockchain, which takes out the human elements of actually people doing it for you, which makes it so much safer, which makes it run autonomously which makes it and gives you the ability to be self healing because in the end, a blockchain is an immutable and always apparent source of data storage, right so


If you want to start a certain application or IT architecture, and you describe it in a smart contract, I want this on one database, two web servers just again, simple nerd talk in terms of what you want as an IT infrastructure. But you describe that, then that is your reality, you make those nodes, those servers executed based on the fact that they will find out what they need to be doing. And they feel when for whatever reason, one of those servers that executes it falls away, a foothold is no longer available, power fails, network fit, whatever, that smart contract still knows what needs to happen. So if a when that capacity comes back, it can just re execute what it needs to execute, that capacity does not come back within a certain timeframe, the smart contract can have a clause in there a statement in there that if not available within the next five minutes, then re contract capacity elsewhere, and restart that same element. So it’s completely hands off. If and when you describe the smart contract in the right way, and you create your IT application deployment in such a way that you can have it self healing,


once you get there, and it took us a little while. I mean, this is not something we invented. Over the last few years, we’ve been added, with different startups and different people in the R&D department that have been doing this and planning or not planning, I couldn’t say that because there’s not been, like we’ve written it on the white paper, and then we started executing it. We’ve been in the IT business for the last two decades. So 20 years of innovation has gone into this. And at the end, we put it together in such a way that we said we no longer want complexity, we no longer want all of those people involved. We don’t longer want those centralized parties involved. We want it to be by people for people. And so it’s a very long answer to your question, but I hope you still get out of it.


Yeah, no, thank you for sharing and unpacking that in some detail. In case our listeners missed it in the beginning your introduction, I mean, you you are a rocket scientist, so we expect a deep dive to understand and it’s, you know, I I know that a lot of our listeners, this is new, you know, a new internet to them, or a decentralized internet to them in. Let me ask you this, can you do everything on this new, decentralized internet that you can do on the current one, like from the usability of just a regular person? You know, going on Google, for example? Can you explain, you know, the differences or the similarities?


Yeah, again, thank you for the question is intimate, again, if we zoom out are two things. There’s the underlying under the hood technology that we don’t see, that makes it all work together, which is that utility that is being used to run applications to store our pictures that we take on our phones that does all of those things. And there’s various providers that have found very neat and interesting ways of delivering that service to us. And then on top of that sets, like a user interface, which we all experience on a daily basis as a consumer, what we’ve done is completely rebuild that under the hood, ik technology was that currently sits with a small number of providers that have done really well in in putting them in a position to deliver that, that have all the access and have all the revenues and have all the benefits of actually doing that, because not really many people. And again, I don’t mean this in a derogatory way, don’t take this the wrong way. But there are many people that understand how this all works together, and how data is being routed and how data is being stored there. And sometimes you can see issues with that, because some companies need to be able to guarantee that the data is stored within the US or within a certain region or there’s governance principles. And it’s difficult to get answers to real questions like where’s my data. So what we Threefold have done is rebuild that engine that is under the hood, let’s say end user or enterprise or work experience on the top, having any URL going into a place where there’s an application running or software as a service running, having the ability to use a facility to store files or store my photos, whether it’s Dropbox or iCloud or Apple, I mean, that we leave for other people to invent on top of this utility. So the best way to describe what we’ve done is we’ve recreated the engine that makes up the internet, both on the actual routing, it’s not the networking because we still rely on any existing networking that exists out there. Whether it was cable, whether it was fiber, whether it’s satellite, whether it’s I mean, it doesn’t really matter. We use that.


But we’ve rebuilt that data processing and data storage layer. To be done by people for people, so everybody can now small, medium, large, super large present a portion of that utility that is being used in a decentralized way. And again, similar to going back and repeat myself to now how we descend truly create electricity by using solar power by using wind farms by using right all of that is now in the hands of people to participate in making that utility electricity available on the grid in our way we create utility for data processing and data storage, we push it out on a grid. And we still then need application developers, people that know how to create architectures to deploy a website system integrators, all of the industries that have been built to build on top of existing clouds, they can now build in the same way, but it’s still very technical and not for the end consumer or user. They can still build all of the I don’t know Kuban, it is TerraForm. All of the technologies that are out there today, such as how to control and run your applications on the Google clouds as your cloud, they run in the same way, on the three, four quit. That’s how we call it Okay, so we replaced the engine in the car, it still got the same steering wheel, the same shifter, the same brake, everybody still knows what to do in the car.


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Okay, so do we build our websites in a different way? Do we need a domain from unstoppable domains? Are we using the same browsers to access? You know, the whole experience on the top site is the same? It’s the same. Okay. As I know, that’s what people are getting, you know, they’re asking themselves, like, you know, this is great. This is awesome. But how do we access it? Is it different, you know, so on the top No, nothing changes in that experience, I mean, but it comes from maybe your living room, right, or that little computer on your coffee table that is going to be able to store and again is that there’s so much to tell about it. But the store is a part of the data you might store in the cloud in top box like application, some of it is going to end up on a small computer on your coffee table, where you are and where I am right now.


That I don’t know. But I’m just imagining. And, again, we stitch it all together. And that’s why I think it’s also an important dimension. If and when you present the utility of creating a part of that fabric, your reward is that you get rewarded in a token, right? At the end of the day, we call it proof of capacity. We don’t, again, there’s lots of crypto and tokens out there that have proof of work. Again, solving a puzzle. If you solve the puzzle, the first you get a reward. With us, it’s very simple. If you prove that you have capacity, again, computer, six cores, eight cores, five terabytes of storage. Those are the normal thinking, the bigger the model reward is, but if you prove that it has been online for a month, I mean, why a month, because that’s what the industry knows in the internet technology they think in SLAs in months, so we also took a month, he proved that that is online for a month and available for renting capacity and running applications for a month. You get your reward, nothing else to do. You turn it on, you keep it on, you make sure your network works, you make sure your power is there, you get your rewards, a certain amount of three or four tokens. Those tokens are also the only way that you can reserve capacity on this grid. Right. So somehow that needs to be found and again, we didn’t do an Ico we didn’t do an IPO. We didn’t do it.


Anything, all of these things are, from the Genesis block from the Genesis point of getting this into existence, created by what we call farming, we don’t call it mining because we like it to be green. And again, we have a lot of elements that make the technology that we have green. But you really present usable capacity to run everyday applications in. And when you’ve presented the ability to do so for a month, you get a reward and X amount of tokens are minted at the end of the month. Okay, so that’s why the TFT token for our listeners, yes, the threefold token, yes. Okay. And what’s the total amount of tokens that will be available, the total supply, the ceiling is set at 4 billion, okay. And then the economy is, in the end, relatively simple. We create them only by having computers online that run the specific ons dedicated, right? Yes, we need to be able to guarantee security and we need to be able to guarantee that people are not able to get your data. And again, that’s a podcast in itself, if and when you want to go there to talk about that. That’s the creation of it, okay? The use of it, that completely goes to the older of the device, the usage, there’s a number of elements. So the usage, don’t go to the farmer, because we want it to be a utility token. And if and when you want to use a utility token, it cannot be used for payment for services, right? It’s about you creating a utility, you get a reward, and then payment for it cannot end up if you want to be within the legal legislations of countries that have put forward tax laws on it that can be useful for payment, because then you will be another type of token payment open or whatever. And we don’t want to be that. So for all of the payments for consuming that capacity, the end is burning of tokens. So 35% of the tokens that are being used for consumption are burned, creates cash scarcity. 5% goes to a not for profit foundation. And then there’s 50%. Back to what I said earlier, this is not a for end users and consumer product, 50% of the actual tokens that are being used for consumption are to incentivize channels, application builders, system integrators, Dao developers, I mean, whatever you want to be doing on this utility, there is an incentive a grant system that you can tap into, okay to start building on it. Awesome. And, again, there’s a doubt the trickle down, that actually will look at your proposal. If your proposal is good enough, obviously, they will allow you to get a grant based on the consumption of this utility. And there’s, there’s a big pot available to start doing any, any use case, a you know, all I can think of today on any existing clouds, basically be transported and built on the swivel grid. And again, don’t don’t forget the tools you do this with. And again, technical terms are these Docker Kubernetes TerraForm, all the existing technologies that people use to interact with the existing cloud. So it’s not a different world, it’s just a different engine that enables it to run. Okay, I see that you in the team and three fully, you guys actually built your own operating system. Can you and you kind of talked a little bit about the running specific operating system when you talked about the little note or device earlier. But can you break down? Because you went all the way to what you started from the kernel within Linux? Yes. From the very beginning. Yes, yeah.


Again, and this is really fundamental. And not many people do this, because it’s hard. And it doesn’t bring glory in a very fast way. But if and when you want to be, and this is where it started, if you really want to go, let’s say and I know Africa is a big topic these days. And I don’t want to mention Africa to get a big number of followers coming to us. But Africa doesn’t have any local internet today. And if you think about the fact an internet means data centers in this case, because they do have networks, right. But if you think about it, all of the market leaders have enough money to do it. Again, building data centers is a difficult task. Building data centers is a capital intensive task. It requires people’s capital, electricity in large quantities, but all that is doable with the right amount of money, but haven’t done it. And why?


I don’t have an answer to the question. I have a thought about why I haven’t done it because it’s easier to make the cable back to the cable longer and bigger and fatter, to get to those data centers which exist in the US, Europe and Asia. And that’s what they’ve done. They’ve invested in making longer cables, bigger cables.


To connect the data centers that they have in the places that they know where they have built those data centers. And to be honest, it’s just unfair. And I’m getting a bit non technical, but it’s unfair because it takes away money, it takes away profit, it takes away entrepreneurial challenge.


Chances are, it takes away many things from the countries because you just connect them on a tether on a long cable towards what we already have. And that’s not the way so this whole threefold thought about giving the ability to people, by people for people started with the idea. So it needs to be able to this thing needs to be able to run in a city hall in a building, which is wind and waterproof, somewhere where there is just no knowledge to actually run it. And if you take that stand, then all of the standard OS are just not an option. And why are they not an option because all the OS that we know, on our laptops, on our TVs, on everything that should run OS on require maintenance, and require us to install updates and security patches and bug fixes and whatever I mean, we do it every day. And if we don’t do it, we get the pain of not doing it. So this needed to be a different thing. And that’s why we went and went back to the drawing board and said, okay, so how can we build something that enables back to what I said earlier, the box doesn’t do much and the box doesn’t have a user interface. It doesn’t allow people to interact with it, it goes out and listens or reads, however you want to say it into a blockchain what it needs to be doing. So it just needs to expose what’s in it.


CPU, memory, disks, network, whatever it has registered at somehow on that blockchain to get the reward. And again, bigger, bigger rewards. So that needs to happen. But then it just needs to sit there and sort of not have any interaction with it’s local environments, whether it’s local environment, in networking, or whatever is local environment, physical, so you can’t log into it. There’s no user shell, there’s no user, Julie, there’s no shell, there’s no keyboard interface, there’s nothing, we took that out completely, because we didn’t want people to be able to interact with it. Secondly, for security purposes, and non administration purposes, we didn’t actually want to install the whole operating system on a disk. And again, think about it. So it comes if you turn on the three, four nodes, because the three nodes, the OS is not anywhere near that device, it will load the OS, and then that’s why it needs to be small. That’s why it needs to be very efficient, it loads that from a number of places on that utility on that grid, it will load it into memory, it will run into memory, just like any other Oh s because he will read it from the disk into a rest, we just decided that we don’t want to install it on the disk. Because if we install it on the disk, it needs to be maintained, you need to patch it, you need to update it, you need to do anything, if you just turn on the machine, and it has some way of finding that it was on the grid, loading it in a very smart way. Because he can’t download Windows, where 1110. I’ve not followed my limit man. So but whatever, a gigabyte plus or two or three or four gigabytes, or whatever it is, that takes forever to download. So we’ve devised a very smart way of making it very modular. And again, that’s another podcast if you want. But it downloads it in such a way that it runs it into my memory. And then based on whatever needs an update, because we will find flaws, there will be a box that needs to be squashed. And there will be security fixes that need to be done. It’s just reloading a module in that it’s just reloading a component that will be very efficiently downloaded and run into memory. So there’s nothing to do and there’s nothing to hack. There’s nothing to store, there’s no malicious code to be installed on that disk, because there is no os on it, right. And then the whole download happens with hashing. And if a when the hash doesn’t match what comes down, it doesn’t execute it. I mean, there’s a lot of security around it. But it’s a very different address than what we know. It doesn’t allow us human beings to interact with it. The only thing it knows is that it goes out to a chain where it needs to see its identity, which is just a long string of numbers and letters. And is there anything for me to do in this smart contract? And if it says start a VM, it will start a VM if it says stop a VM, it will stop a VM. That’s the only thing the US does. Okay, and by eradicating the fact that people can interact with it, we’ve made it so much more secure than any other eyes out there because there’s just no people involved. There’s no such system on the global level. There is no username password search. Anyway, wow. Wow, that’s awesome. So yeah,


Thank you for unpacking and sharing that. That brings me into my next question, how does your Threefold’s partnership with like OwnCloud and some of the others, partners tie into the people’s internet? How does that like weave in?


You know, that’s exactly it. I mean, we’re, if you unpack Threefold to do that, first, it’s about 80 people on another skill of which there are like 75 Nerds to do this. So we’re very much an engineering and r&d organization that have honestly, not very good skills in terms of creating user experiences. So like I said, it’s in this car, which is called the Internet, which has these applications, we’ve read on the engine in a very different way that people can present capacity, create capacity, get benefits of it, and people can rent capacity and run applications. But we want other people to innovate on top of this and see that what they can do today on any existing mainstream clouds can be taken and used on this grid as well. And, again, any application can run on the coffee table that you don’t have in the home where you are. And ownCloud was just an early adopter, because it’s a very well known piece of software, they’ve got 200 million downloads of that software, and people using it paid for and non paid for where the utility that they use the data processing and data storage capabilities is mostly either on bare metal, and people really want to dig in and do it themselves, which you can do on Linux on any other operating system, which is fine, or, and that’s 80% of it in the end in VMs. In the clouds. Now imagine that they can really escape that captured market of doing it in a cloud and doing it in AWS, again, nothing wrong with AWS, I just want to say that out loud, they’ve done a fantastic job to make things very reliable and do it, but there’s a price tag to it. And again, it’s very centralized. Once you go in you, it’s very hard to get out, we offer the opportunity that now businesses can have their own hardware, which they enable, or they use this zero as this this three follow axon, which gives them the same interface to greet you when it is or TerraForm as they have with these major clouds. And they can have their own clouds experience, which you know very well on their own box in their own building, managed autonomously, because that’s what they get. Because the application is in the end, self healing to a degree without having to do any of the administration skills, we we’ve taken that away, they don’t need to do that they don’t have to express all of that and have it capabilities in house that we believe is a game changer. And to sort of elaborate and unpack that a little bit more. That’s what we rely on. Because we’ve not, we don’t want to invent how this utility is going to be used and how this engine will run this. We want other people to take us forward and build use cases on top of it, and actually express what they want to be doing and whether that’s an own cloud, which is there. But restoring NFT’s whether that is running. And that is a really important one blockchains there’s many, many, many, many projects out there that are blockchains that want to innovate on certain levels. And we all know that dash Casper labs Digi bite, I mean, there’s plenty of the names out there. If people want to participate, they end up unfortunately, mostly running that piece of software, if they want to participate in validation if they want to participate in being part of that blockchain by running it in a VM in again, AWS or in as your Wow. And that’s not just in line with these decentralization sorts of the whole blockchain movement. Right now with three faults. And this is a big part of what we do today. There is a potential of having a one click deployment of a Digi byte validator nodes of a Digi by blockchain nodes that you can just launch on the grid on any device that you know, in some could be your friend could be you could be somebody else. It’s living room, which is the true decentralization that those projects needs. And they really love us for that, again, it’s a lot lower, it’s a lot less visible and as a lot not seen of what we have done, but it actually present them with the capability to run outside of major clouds in these areas where there is conductivity and electricity on nodes that people just presented with. Wow. And thanks for breaking that down and sharing. I just think what you guys and you and your team have created is incredible, you know, and I’m actually going to be getting deeper into and in my research time into more and more and what you guys have done in closing


I just wanted to ask you, because I know some of our listeners gotta be thinking this. How can our listeners start using, like physically use or access? Or make use of the people’s Internet of what you guys have created? Like, where do they go? What do they do? You know, this is a new concept to them. I know for you and your team, you guys are experts in this, but somebody you know, driving to work or exercising right now listening to a podcast, how can they access? Where do they go? What do they do? Well, there’s the IO side, which is the landing page on which you can find much information. Again, I don’t know if he shared his information only verbally, if you have a landing page where we can post the links, but we’ll see about that. That’s more detail. But there’s a whole library and a wiki that explains how to do this, again, you need to not be brave. That’s not what I want to say. But you need to have a little bit of a technical heart to be able to get into this, it is not an I really want to say this out loud, it is not more difficult or complex than what any other major cloud is. Because for the people that know people that listen and the people that engage with the existing clouds, I mean, they are fairly complex as well, I mean, you need to know what you’re doing. Again, like I said, In the beginning, I ran around with screwdrivers in data centers, I pulled cables and unplug cables.


And it really is for the basic work in a data center. And literally, what for Europe, and the US was earlier with a year built, I think the first five in the first five major cities with a large American firm that was early on into Europe and developing that and I’ve seen it and it is hard work. And it is complex. And having a GUI sort of trying to hide most of the complexity works, but but you still need to know I can terms what it is a web server, a database, a load balancer, a firewall, right, all those things come forward and the networking concepts that you need to know I mean, they are complex. So it’s not that we took things and made it more complex, not at all, we took it back and eradicated a lot of complexity. Because there’s a lot of things that happen automatically, if and when you leave a lot of the complexity out and if and when you don’t do the centralized bits and pieces that these large data centers do. I believe in this managing these devices that exist in homes, libraries, telephone masts in a way that they will stitch together by reading what they need to be doing in the blockchain. And not having administrators login, not having to control in a blockchain is a beautiful thing. Just one more not sorry, I’m taking it down, and everything. But having a blockchain as your source of truth for what you deploy, is the best documentation decision that you can take. Because it’s immutable. And always append, which means by definition, you’ve got 100%, accurate history of what happens from t equals zero until now, relying on the person and administrator to administer what he has done in 100%. Accuracy is a very tedious job. And, again, I’ve done it, I’ve failed it. I’ve worked with people trying to do it. And it’s just not something that humans are very good at whether we like to hear it or not. Using a blockchain for that is like the ultimate solution to the problem. Where if and when you don’t describe it in a 100% accurate way to start with, it’s not going to work. It’s just not going to work. So putting the whole thing upside down makes it very easy also, and that’s, again, back to the question where you said, how do you get started? Because yes, you need to learn a little bit of an automation tool, whether it’s given as a TerraForm. But that with our technology now gets translated into smart contracts into a blockchain, that blockchain will, in the end, have the instructions ready for those nodes to actually execute what needs to be executed. And that’s all it is. Okay. It’s not an end user and an end consumer ready product today, there’s a few use cases experienced that are there. And that’s some form of video conferencing that you can do. There’s some form of data storage that you can do and what you have. That’s it. And we hope and we’re really very active in terms of getting system integrators, developers and the whole development community to know adopters and to start creating fantastic experiences for you to enjoy. But if and when you want to get started, then have a look at it. Okay, go to the Threefold, a website. Okay. There’s somewhere a link that says go to the library because it’s called library and then library, the Threefold do will give you all of the details that you need. Excellent. Thank you. Yeah, we’ll definitely have all of those links on the podcast episode page for today. And then we just thank you for coming out. Thank you for we have this our first ever rocket scientist and co-founder of a project happy to be here. No


It’s a pleasure. You’re welcome back anytime, and I noticed it is an audio audio episode in the future. I’m going to be doing videos on YouTube and things like that. So they will have to do another episode. We can, you know, share some more, some more with everybody. Thank you very much Michael. It was a pleasure to be here and a pleasure to talk to you. Absolutely. Thank you for coming out. And if you liked today’s episode, definitely like and subscribe to the podcast show your support and chime in here tomorrow for another special episode. Thanks for tuning in to New To Crypto Podcast. If you liked the episode, be sure to follow and subscribe. You can listen to every episode on all major platforms. Have an interest in being on the show or want advertising reach out at new to Head over to our site to access the resources mentioned in each episode. Until next time, remember to navigate the crypto landscape with pinpoint accuracy.

Table of Contents

Dive in and discover this new decentralized internet that Threefold is bringing forward to the world.

Welcome back to another podcast episode! Today’s discussion is about Threefold – a new decentralized internet!

Today, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the new, decentralized internet, ThreeFold, from one of the founders himself! Weynand Kuijpers is a seasoned tech entrepreneur and Co-Founder of ThreeFold. Starting his career as a rocket scientist, he has a passion for bringing new technologies into the customer marketplace. Weynand is a social advocate inspiring people and organizations to do things differently and reach their full potential. In this episode, we are going to explore the innovation he is bringing to the world, how it’s done, and what benefits it’s bringing to people – by people, for people!

What Is Threefold? 

ThreeFold has founded a new decentralized internet titled “the people’s internet.” Despite the fact that the United Nations declared the internet to be a basic human right in 2016, huge firms have largely supplied internet service that is unduly centralized to a few regions. 

It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that most people are concerned about their data being sold and the fact that data isn’t private in many cases. The ThreeFold Foundation, on the other hand, takes the stage with a unique strategy to deliver internet access. 

They do it in a unique method with the aim of creating an open source peer-to-peer internet infrastructure powered by the Threefold Blockchain and owned by humanity. As a result, they developed a ThreeFold Grid, which is basically an interconnection of numerous 3Node devices. A 3Node device allows its users to connect to the ThreeFold network safely and anonymously while also giving them absolute ownership of their data.

They have 78 petabytes of storage and 15,000 active CPU cores. So, with a 3Node, everybody can join what appears to be an internet awakening. 

ThreeFold’s creators, and a team of professionals use a planet-friendly method to provide internet access. The team appears to prioritize eco-friendly and highly sustainable systems and techniques.

The Threefold Mission

At first appearance, two key elements appear to be the cornerstone of the ThreeFold mission:

  1. Accelerating the move to peer-to-peer internet, as well as
  1. Providing equal opportunities for everyone to benefit from the network, participate in its activities, and flourish. 

Aside from their success in bypassing the intermediary when it pertains to accessing the internet, they’re also notable for their unusual approach to solving some of the global challenges. 

In comparison to other frameworks, ThreeFold saves roughly 90% more energy and 90% less than the worldwide fiber network. They also want to restore three times the amount of carbon credits used by the grid.

Farmers use a stateless and lightweight open-source operating system dubbed Zero OS to operate each node. Anyone can be one of these farmers. They can be rewarded with ThreeFold Tokens (ticker symbol: TFT token) in exchange for their efforts in preserving the ThreeFold Grid.

We at Threefold tried to build another foundation on which an Internet can be built that is, again, decentralized - by people for people

Here's What We Discussed in Detail in This Interview

[00:01 – 05:14] Opening Segment

  • Grow, manage, and store your portfolio with Brave Wallet
  • Welcome back to another incredible episode with today’s esteemed guest
    • Weynand Kuijpers
      • Bio  
  • Weynand shares his background 
    • Originally from Holland
    • Background in engineering 
    • Early to the internet in his day 
    • The reasoning behind Threefold’s creation
      • By the people, for the people  
      • Bringing the internet back to a place of decentralized content


[05:15 – 22:37] Discover The New Decentralized Internet at ThreeFold 

    •  Weynand explains “the people’s internet”
      • Letting people benefit from innovation 
      • Organizations have taken too much control over the internet 
      • Giving people the power of creating data processing 
      • Possible for all people, even without IT skills 
      • Localizing energy consumption 
    • How Threefold is bringing innovation 
      • No longer needing administrators for storage capabilities 
      • Quick explanation of how it’s done 
      • Utilizing smart contracts instead of humans
      • Explanation of the grid technology 
      • 20+ years of partnerships and innovation 
    • Exploring the differences and similarities of this internet from the current one
      • Bringing awareness of data storage to people
      • More transparency and a localization of energy creation 
      • Same capabilities and cloud, different means of execution and consumption
  • A quick word about Brave Wallet, ditch the risky extensions and trade in privacy
  •  Link below


[22:38 – 39:47] Getting Started with ThreeFold Decentralized Internet

  • How it’s accessed 
    • No other tools required 
    • The top side is the same 
    • The difference is that data is stored locally 
  • Rewards you can get from using this internet 
    • Proof of capacity is rewards with a Token 
    • Tokens reserve capacity on the grid 
  • About the TFT token
    • Total supply at 4B at the time of recording 
    • Security guaranteed 
    • 35% tokens burned for consumption, 5% to non-profit
    • 50% to incentivize building
  • Breakdown of the Operating System 
    • Getting data centers to over centralized regions 
    • Bringing entrepreneurship and competition back to people 
    • No user interface 
    • Turning on the ThreeNodes 
    • How it’s made to be fast and efficient 
  • How partnerships weave into the people’s internet 
    • Have your the same Cloud experience on your own box 
    • Cloud capabilities in-house 
    • Everything is run and used by you 


[39:48 – 46:08] Closing Segment

  • How you can start accessing and using this internet 
    • Links below 
    • It’s not technically heavy, anyone can do this 
  • Keep an eye out for future video episodes!
  • How to connect with Weynand’s resources and work
    • All links below
  • Final words

Killer Resources

Threefold Website

Threefold Library

Threefold Farm

Threefold Developer Resources


This episode is brought to you by Brave and Brave Wallet are built by a team of privacy focused, performance oriented pioneers of the web. Brave was co-founded by Brendan Eich & Brian Bondy. Brendan Eich is the creator of Javascript, and was a co-founder of Mozilla Firefox. Download the Brave privacy browser at

Brave browser Brave wallet logo


Final Thoughts

What is the Decentralized Internet

The Internet remains centralized, even after the growing prevalence of decentralized systems, companies, and currencies. Many barriers to entry have arisen as a result of the Internet industry’s concentration. Moreover, enormous investment and IT innovation are required to participate in the fiercely competitive Internet capacity market dominated by large IT corporations. For several years, data has been the most vital resource on the planet, and approximately 20 businesses control more than 80% of the cloud market. ThreeFold has been working on technology that enables the Internet infrastructure to be decentralized, eliminating the requirement for data centers and allowing anybody to participate in the Internet capacity market. You become a ThreeFold Farmer by increasing the capacity of the ThreeFold Grid (TF Grid). The Internet will become more safe and productive as it becomes more decentralized. 

TFT Token

The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is a utility token created to allow anybody to participate in the network’s exchange of Internet and cloud resources without the use of mediators. It provides monthly rewards to node operators and is utilized by developers to design and operate workloads. The ThreeFold token is a native utility token which is utilized to reserve storage and compute capacities within the ThreeFold network. This is only minted when cloud capacity is loaded to the ThreeFold network by linking hardware. This is referred to as farming, and it is a more environmentally friendly method of mining.


The internet decentralization sector has evolved into a place for creative solutions to address the failings of mega-corporations that attempt to control the internet in some aspects. Enterprises like these two have given these ever-hungry financiers a challenge for their finances over the previous half-decade. And it is now up to you, the audience, to participate. ThreeFold has built the world’s biggest peer-to-peer cloud – decentralized storage, compute, and networking – that allows people and institutions to build, deploy, and maintain Web2 and Web3 apps in a fully decentralized IT infrastructure, with fully independent workload execution through the ThreeFold smart-contract and the Zero-OS.

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